Test Report

Product quality is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing common rail diesel suction control valves. Because the quality of the common rail diesel suction control valve is related to the normal operation of the entire injector and engine. We know that wear or failure of diesel suction control valve is likely to affect the starting of the car engine, oil return, full load point, pressure build-up and bring a series of influences, even may lead to failure of the injector. Therefore, choosing a well-tuned and durable diesel suction control valve can better improve the performance of the injector through the good working of the control valve.


The brands of common rail control valves are divided into domestic and imported, due to the difference of production process, testing technology and equipment different, there are some differences of quality. At the same time, when choosing a brand, it is necessary to survey its market reputation. Since product quality is so important, dieselsuctioncontrolvalve.com has made it priority in our services. And as dieselsuctioncontrolvalve.com has a mature business system, we are able to satisfy our customers many requirements, including providing professional test report before the control valves are sent out to our customers, the report content contains every working conditions and data of the diesel suction control valve such as precision, high temperature, low temperature, withstand pressure, leakage and durability to show if each test value meets working demands.


Why Choose dieselsuctioncontrolvalve.com
As a company combines with research & development, manufacturing and selling of common rail diesel suction control valve,injectornozle.com has become the leader of professional manufacturer of high-pressure common rail diesel suction control valves in China.


Adopting the world-class production technology, the world’s top and cutting-edge manufacturing and testing technology, we only produce high-pressure common rail fuel injectors with emission standards above Euro Ⅲ.


Today’s dieselsuctioncontrolvalve.com has been able to provide components with the same quality as the original factory and in line with international standards. And after several years of using and assessment by global users, dieselsuctioncontrolvalve.com has become the best manufacturer and supplier of high-pressure common rail fuel injectors in China.